Player Development & Scouting
Kyros Sports is an industry leader when it comes to bringing the best out of an athlete. We hone your talent to impeccable levels, bring opportunities within your reach and push you to where you can compete with the best in the world. Our team of world class sports professionals help to identify talent and hone it for success.
Our record says it all.
Scouting and Recruiting
Our team leverages world class tools, including Athstat, a leading data analysis platform, to scout, collect data and analyze the best athletes. We use the Athstat player card, to store data on an athlete – this data is certified by a coach or S&C analyst, prior to submission.
This data allows us to track athlete performance and ensure that we work with the best athletes. It allows us to benchmark performance, identify a recruitment path as well as an organization where the athlete will end up – be it a college or pro sports team.